Wednesday 10 August 2011

Saint Stephen's Green

It hasn't been the best summer as far as weather goes, but that doesn't stop people from enjoying Saint Stephen's Green in the heart of Dublin.  This was a particularly grey day, with the sky warning those below with light sprinkles of the of the evening's impending heavy shower.

Regardless of the disposition of the clouds, people sat on the manicured lawns, enjoying the day.  Groups of students in hoodies and tight Emo pants sat in circles and smoked, tourists made long movies of swans grooming, and two-year-olds tottered madly on the lawn with parents chasing after.

We sat by a lovely fountain and took it all in until it was time to deploy our umbrellas and head off.  We made our way over to Dunnes Stores and bought our dinner, (pizza) then waited in the downpour on Dawson Street for the Dublin Bus to carry us home.  There is more to explore in this park and we shall be back soon.


  1. So beautiful! I wish I could have enjoyed it with you. It is hard to imagine cool rain at the moment. It has been a cool summer here as well, but that just means temps in the low 90s!

  2. I can't wait to visit!!! That dreadful pub I worked for for 5 seconds was called St. Stephens Green after this park, of course. Missing you and Mary Ann loads!!! oh our new website is up,
