Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Reclining Poet

Oscar Wilde once lived at No. 1 Merrion Square.  A fantastic sculpture of him reclines in the park nearby.  This statue is so lifelike you might really think he is alive, as if this were some kind of street performance artist dressed as a statue.  It was commissioned by the people who brought you Guinness.  You will notice that there is no public statue of John Douglas, the 9th Marquess of Queensberry anywhere in the world.  Douglas was probably Wilde's greatest enemy and critic.  I think Wilde had the last laugh.  Even though Douglas caused Wilde's bankruptcy and exile, the world would rather forget a numbskull and remember a genius.  Douglas dropped out of the Naval Academy, having little talent for academics.    Wilde attended Trinity College, Dublin from 1871 to 1874, and then attended Magdalen College, Oxford from 1874 to 1878.  Oscar Wilde is today a celebrated historic figure of Dublin.


  1. Oscar Wilde rocked, but his later years were so sad. I find it very hard to imagine a time in Ireland when homosexuality was not only frowned upon, but illegal (you will probably lose your life for being gay in some countries).
    This statue is a fitting monument to the man - how beautiful is that stone? And isn't his expression wonderful? I love it.

  2. Wow how cool is this! (I really dig Oscar). *karendianne.

  3. Just bought the newly released and uncensored original version of the Picture of Dorian Gray. Can't wait to read it! I love Oscar Wilde!
